Vanderbilt Alliance for Nanomedicine

What's Up Doc? How 'Bout Them Carrots?
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) called for Science's greatest thinkers to eradicate disease through the discovery of new cures and preventive therapies. But there's a catch. Scientists must do it with the tiniest materials in the world. The NIH has dangled a giant carrot (really large grants encouraging conventional scientific abandon) in front of researchers utilizing nanomedicine. A group of Vanderbilt scientists established the Vanderbilt Alliance for Nanomedicine (VAN) and are pursuing those huge grants from the NIH. The geniuses at VAN know nanotechnology and immunology and every other ology that you can think of, but they needed to brand their efforts for maximum exposure, attention, and understanding. So The Eleazar Group had to draw them a picture. Actually it was a logo, a well-designed, compelling mark that communicates their purpose. After crafting an astute brand strategy for the organization, the logo and tag were the next steps in creating a brand that delivers prominence.

But it hurts when I do this. Then stop doing that.
The Vandy scientists were fluent in the esoteric, erudite, scientific vernacular of nanotechnology and medical research. The materials explaining their research model were as illegible as their prescription pads. They knew that they needed help, and the best scientific minds sought the best branding minds in Nashville. The Eleazar Group has positioned VAN with a clear, crisp identity and has charted a path for them that will help them earn the grant and establish them as the authority for nanomedicine at Vanderbilt and beyond.

Take two of these and call me the winner in the morning.
The brand strategy and its actual incarnations have propelled VAN into the finals of the NIH evaluations for grant awards. The NIH requires all winners to work together, and VAN offers the only immunologists among the finalists. This is a primary focus of the brand strategy because the VAN scientists can determine the efficacy and safety of their therapies as well as the other winners. No one else brings that expertise to the lab. The public will want to know that the discoveries are safe and relatively risk-free. VAN can deliver the most practical devices for implementation in the shorter term. The Eleazar Group has delivered strategies, content, and designs for success in the short term, mid term, and long term. Clearly every genius needs another. VAN isolated the art and science of branding genius at The Eleazar Group.

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